'Positive Life - Positive Thinking - Positive Health'
Alexis Jackson (ESMA ITEC Dip) as Whole Healing, a qualified and insured manual therapist and soft tissue specialist offering CranioSacral Therapy for Human, Equine and Canine throughout Kent and the South East.
"Working with both human patients and animal, I have developed an instinctual way of treating, working closely with the patient to create an indivudual treatment with realignment and balance of body and mind at its core. I strive to work with the upmost empathy and offer multiple comprehensive and instinctive treatments.
The word CranioSacral refers to two structures of the body, the cranium (skull, head) and the sacrum, the large triangular bone at the bottom of the spine. The cranium and the sacrum are the endpoints of the craniosacral system. Between these two endpoints lies the central nervous system (CNS), which consists of the brain encased by the cranium, and the spinal cord housed and protected by the vertebral column (spine). The other main components include the brain, the meninges (layers of membrane protecting the brain and spinal cord), the cerebrospinal fluid (a vital fluid surrounding the brain and spinal cord) , the ventricles of the brain (where this fluid is produced) and the cranial and facial bones. There is a pulse through the cerebrospinal fluid which proceeds through the entire craniosacral system, like a tidal wave, from the sutures in the skull to the spinal cord, cycling about six to ten times a minute within humans. This pulse is known as the CranioSacral rhythm.
It’s easy to imagine how even the slightest impact, lesion or distortion can stretch or strain this delicate system. Any infraction causing nerve endings to alter their perception and signals can negatively affect our entire well-being. CranioSacral Therapy helps the body to re-establish an unobstructed wave, which is how symptoms disappear. CranioSacral Therapy is a hands-on therapy, where the touch is gentle, non-invasive and usually subtle, with the aim to align fascia and surrounding structures enabling the free flow of the cerebrospinal fluid within the CranioSacral rhythm.
CranialSacral Therapy can be used for people of all ages. It may be part of your treatment for conditions like:
migraines and headaches
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
disturbed sleep cycles and insomnia
sinus infections
neck pain
trauma recovery, including trauma from whiplash
mood disorders like anxiety or depression
Sessions are an hour, by appointment only. A full assessment will be taken, past injuries, limitations and or pre-existing conditions will be noted. You’ll typically remain fully clothed during the treatment, so wear comfortable clothing to your appointment. The therapist may begin at your head, feet, or near the middle of your body. Where appropriate the therapist may gently press or reposition you to normalize the flow of the cerebrospinal fluids. They may use tissue-release methods while supporting one of your limbs. During the treatment, some people experience different sensations. These may include:
feeling deep relaxation
falling asleep, and later recalling memories or seeing colors
sensing pulsations
having a “pins and needles” (numbing) sensation
having a hot or cold sensation
For more information, availability or to book please contact Alexis direct by