Your opinion is important to us. Your feedback is important to us and helps us to shape our service for patients. We would like to hear from you if you are particularly pleased with any aspect of your visit to the clinic, if there are any improvements we could make and we also want to know when things go wrong, so we can learn from our mistakes and make The Positive Health Centre the best all round experience for everyone.
Tell us what you think. This practice is committed to providing an excellent service for our patients. We are ready to listen and will improve and shape our service by listening to you.
We are listening to you. We have a complaints procedure in operation. A summary is provided below. You can obtain a copy of the full procedure from any member of staff or through our website.
We will make changes. Whilst we pride ourselves in the quality of care, support and dedication we offer our clients we appreciate there may be situations where you may consider we have not met your expectations. If you have a complaint or concern about any aspect of your treatment, please let us know as soon as possible. Make your complaint either in person, by phone, by letter or in an email. Please give full details of your complaint and we will undertake to treat it seriously, deal with it promptly and learn from it by reviewing or, if appropriate, improving our standards. If you make a complaint:
We will contact you as soon as possible and arrange a suitable time and method of discussing your concerns
We will discuss with you actions that you would like us to take to resolve the issue
We will investigate your complaint fully and provide you with a written response
We will keep you informed throughout the process of the action we are taking and when you can expect to hear from us
The investigation of your complaint during the following few days will aim to:-
Find out what happened and what went wrong
Make sure you receive an explanation and an apology where appropriate
Identify what can be done to ensure that this problem does not arise again
If you feel uncomfortable speaking to a practitioner directly or feel your complaint has not been resolved to your satisfaction then you can contact The Institute of Osteopathy complaint resolution service. The Institute of Osteopathy is an association for osteopaths. If you are concerned about safety and would like to make a formal complaint with the regulatory body contact the General Osteopathic Council.
Please note that the General Osteopathic Council cannot award compensation. Institute of Osteopathy Complaint Resolution Service General Osteopathic Council Regulation Department